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Is A Sugar Glider The Right Animal For You?

The sugar glider (Petarus breviceps) is a small marsupial originating from Australia, New Guinea and the surrounding islands. They are nocturnal animals that are mostly found in forested areas and can glide up to 50 metres between trees. They are becoming more and more popular as pets and, with proper care, can live for 12 to 14 years.

Sugar Glider Accommodation

Sugar gliders should be kept in a spacious, tall wire cage with small mesh that is at least 2 x 2 x 2 metres in size. Temperatures should be maintained between 24-27°c for these tropical animals.

The enclosure should include a variety of nest boxes, hammocks, branches, perches, and shelves and be located out of direct sunlight to prevent temperature extremes. Swings and bird toys can also be used.

Exercise under supervision in a small area of the home is encouraged, but it's crucial to restrict access to anything that could be chewed, eaten, or destroyed.

The enclosure should be spot cleaned everyday and fully cleaned at least once a week to help prevent disease.


Sugar gliders are social animals, so will be happiest in a pair or small group. Entire males may fight but neutering will often help reduce this problem. They like to socialise with you and the best way is to have a socialising pouch that you hang on you where the glider can spend a lot of time getting used to your smell.

What Sugar Gliders Eat

It can be challenging to choose the right diet for your sugar glider because diet is one of the most divisive topics in sugar glider keeping.

Their diet should be made up of 50-60% insects or a commercial insectivorous food and 40-50% mixed cooked vegetables with only a small amount of fruit. Given that they are nocturnal creatures, it is better to feed them later in the evening. They can have a few drops of honey or nectar as a treat when training and socialising.

Each day, clean water must be provided in a bowl or water bottle.


No routine vaccinations are currently recommended for sugar gliders.


Male sugar gliders may be castrated in order to reduce fighting, or prevent reproduction.


No routine parasite prevention is currently recommended for sugar gliders.

Signs of Ill Health

Since sugar gliders are a prey species, they will hide disease, so as soon as you see any symptoms, you must take immediate action.

A healthy sugar glider will be bright and alert with clear open eyes, ears and nostrils. Your sugar glider should also be keen to eat and drink, and pass faeces regularly.

It is important to become familiar with your animal’s normal appearance, movement and behaviour, in order that signs of illness can be noticed at an early stage.

You should look out for any changes in appetite or faeces passed, as well as changes in weight, behaviour, coat condition or breathing. Other signs of illness include discharges from the eyes, nose or mouth.

Nutritional disorders are the most common problem seen in sugar gliders. Signs of an inappropriate diet may include lethargy, weakness, weight loss, dehydration, tremors, incoordination, paralysis or even death.

Bleeding or discharges from anywhere, in addition to any signs of limping, a change in grooming behaviour or wounds should be assessed by your vet.

If you have any concerns contact your vet as soon as possible.

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